Submission conditions

By submitting a workshop proposal you are agreeing to the following conditions: 

  • All workshops will be presented in person. No hybrid presentations will be accepted onto the program. 
  • No special provisions will be made to accommodate any request for online/hybrid facilitation. 
  • The AES has the right to remove any workshop from the program if the presenter/s can no longer attend in person. 
  • You must provide workbook materials so that participants can receive a hardcopy workbook with resources from the workshop.
  • The workbook materials must be submitted to the conference organisers by a specified date approximately 2.5 weeks prior to the workshop. 

Making your submission

  1. The conference workshop program comprises a set of high quality half-day and full-day workshops that will be held on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September at the Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre. 

    Presenters are asked to submit their workshop to the category it fits into (foundational evaluation skills and capabilities, new approaches and ways of thinking, advanced topics).

    Click here for a list of suggested workshop topics.

  2. Workshops should be designed using adult learning principles and be interactive to maximise participant learning.

  3. When submitting a proposal for a conference workshop please ensure you address innovative theoretical and practice knowledge and skills with consideration to workshop participants’ level of experience.

  4. Workshop content should focus on developing knowledge, understanding and competencies, evaluation techniques and practices.

  5. Proposals for repeating workshops that were successful in previous conferences will be considered. Evidence of the success of previous offerings should be included in the Justification Statement, as should evidence of the presenter's previous workshop facilitation experience.

  6. Presenters are paid an honorarium to cover their expenses. For a full day workshop presenters are paid an honorarium of AU$2,000 (+ GST) for a workshop for up to 18 participants and AUD$3,000 (+ GST) for a workshop for 19-30 participants.

    For a half-day workshop presenters are paid an honorarium of AU$1,200 (+ GST) and AUD 1,700 (+ GST) for a workshop for 19-30 participants (plus GST for presenters who have an Australian ABN and are GST registered).

NOTE: Two or more presenters may facilitate a workshop, but only one honorarium payment per workshop will be made.



Abstract for a workshop

Your proposal for a workshop should describe:

  • the purpose of the workshop
  • the specific objectives/learning outcomes of the workshop 
  • the particular knowledge, techniques and/or practices to be addressed
  • the teaching/learning strategies and resources to be used
  • the target group (foundational, intermediate or advanced) at which the workshop is pitched, and any prerequisites including the level of experience
  • which domains from the Evaluators' Professional Learning Competency Framework your workshop addresses
  • the category the workshop fits in (e.g. foundational evaluation skills and capabilities, new approaches and ways of thinking, advanced topics).

Keep in mind the assessment criteria for workshops listed above in preparing your proposal.

Justification statement for workshops

The justification statement (word limit: 300 words) explains the workshop’s relevance to evaluation and the importance of what you are proposing. 

It should also provide evidence of: 

  • your expertise in the area 
  • your experience in workshop facilitation and applying adult learning techniques 
  • details of where and when you have presented this workshop before and, if so, evidence of success.

Workshop assessment criteria

  • Relevance of the particular knowledge, techniques and practices for evaluation and evaluators
  • Extent to which the proposed teaching/learning strategies and resources are sound and appropriate for the topic and target group
  • Alignment with the Evaluators' Professional Learning Competency Framework
  • Evidence of the presenter being an effective workshop facilitator (e.g. through receiving positive feedback from other workshops)
  • Extent to which the proposed objectives and prerequisites are clear and appropriate for the target group, and the objectives are achievable
  • Overall value for the target group.

Target audience for workshops

Audiences at conferences are diverse – across nations, disciplines, uses and knowledge of evaluation. Proposals for workshops should consider the intended audience – who would it be of most interest to. 

To help focus your proposal and support conference attendees to select sessions best suited to their interests, consider audience/s for your session.

Foundational – Foundational sessions assume no previous knowledge from the audience – they are beginner-friendly. The topic is presented at an introductory level using accessible language that can be understood by non-expert audiences.

Intermediate – Intermediate sessions assume the audience has a working knowledge of the topic or concept but provides accessible language and avoids technical details to ensure engagement from non-expert audiences.

Advanced – Advanced sessions assume the audience has in-depth experience with and/or technical understanding of the topic. This stream is also suitable to presentations on niche topics that demand the use of technical language to convey complex concepts with precision.

Foundational and Intermediate

Intermediate and Advanced  

Conference workshop proposal template

Download the conference workshops proposal template (Word document), complete and save on your computer. You will be asked to upload this document ('Choose File' button) as part of the online submission process.

>>> DOWNLOAD the pre-conference workshop proposal template from this page.

Make sure that you follow the guidelines for pre-conference workshop proposals as listed here, in particular in relation to the abstract and justification statement before commencing the online submission process.

Workshop room set-up

Workshop rooms are set up in the standard cabaret style.

How to submit your proposal

Click here for instructions on how to use and access the online submission system.