Can you help with one or more of the following?

>>> Encourage local emerging Indigenous evaluators, or Indigenous researchers engaged participatory research that incorporates some form of evaluation, to apply for a grant?

>>> Promotion of the conference support grants to potential applicants or any organisation or individual who may know of a potential applicant/s?

>>> Sponsorship of the grants program? Sponsorship will assist us to cover all the costs Delegates incur in travelling away from their communities and their lands. Sponsors are named in the official program, on the AES conference website and in other promotional materials.

>>> Provide some mentoring and support to grant applicants (the AES will also provide some support with preparing applications)?

>>> Make a donation to the Conference support grants for emerging Indigenous evaluators when registering for the conference (for details see below)

If you can help, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Photo: Grant recipients 2023 at the Gala Awards Dinner of the aes23 conference in Brisbane

Conference support grants for emerging Indigenous evaluators are proudly supported by: 

Australian Government National Indigenous Australians Agency
Pacific Community
Australian Government Australian Centre for Evaluation
Paul Ramsay Foundation 
Institute for Social Science Research (The University of Queensland)
Ninti One Limited
Rick Cummings

Australian Government National Indigenous Australians Agency logo Pacific Community logo

Australian Centre for Evaluation logo               Paul Ramsay Foundation logo        Institute for Social Science Research The University of Queensland logo       Ninti One Limited logo

Make a donation to the Conference support grants for emerging Indigenous evaluators when registering

Upon registration, each delegate will have the opportunity to choose a ticket extra as a donation to support the participation of Emerging Indigenous Evaluators' participation in aes24 International Evaluation Conference in Melbourne. The ticket extras for donating are available at the rate of $30, $50, $150 and $200 (GST free). You can also choose to donate in multiples or combinations of these amounts.

This is a donation to the charitable organisation Australian Evaluation Society Ltd who will use all of the donated funds to directly support Emerging Indigenous Evaluators to attend the conference. As its contribution, the Australian Evaluation Society will waive registration fees for supported participants.