Face-to-face conference

All presentations will be delivered face-to-face and delegates will be able to network with colleagues in person.

There are three separate call for proposals this year:

        1. Call for pre-conference workshop proposals
        2. Call for conference proposals
        3. Call for Ignite session proposals

Proposal submission deadline dates

Conference workshop proposals: closed
Conference presentation proposals: closed
Ignite presentations: closed

It is your responsibility to meet these deadlines. The Australian Evaluation Society cannot be held responsible for errors caused by internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or unforeseen events.

Conference and workshop presenters will be notified of acceptance during May 2024.

Pre-conference workshop proposal template and submission instructions

Download the conference workshop proposal template (Word document), complete and save on your computer. You will be asked to upload this document ('Choose File' button) as part of the online submission process.

>>> DOWNLOAD the conference workshop proposal template

Make sure that you follow the guidelines for conference workshop proposals as listed here, in particular in relation to the abstract and justification statement before commencing the online submission process.


Conference presentation proposal submission instructions

Please note that this year's conference presentations are being delivered face-to-face in Melbourne, Australia.

To facilitate the process of your online submission of an abstract for review, the fields that you will be asked to fill in are listed below. Alternatively, download and print an annotated PDF file for your added convenience.

>>> DOWNLOAD the annotated PDF file with instructions

Note: Field names are in bold.

Abstract Title
Maximum of 120 characters: Use sentence case. That is – capital letter for first word, proper nouns, and first word after a colon. For example: Evaluation: The state of play in Australia

Abstract (Text files only)
In this field you are required to include the following:

      1. Your abstract (not more than 300 words). (Mark this section ‘Abstract’.)
      2. Justification statement [this presents the important concepts and facts to explain your proposal’s contribution to the conference theme (not more than 300 words)]. Do not simply repeat what you have said in the abstract. This statement is for the reviewers only and will not be included in the conference booklet. Mark this section ‘Justification’.

Note: Since the review is double-blind, ensure that there is no identifying information in your Abstract or Justification statement, with the exception of Panels and Big Room sessions.

Choose the format of your presentation. Click here for information on presentation formats.

Theme 1
Choose the sub-theme (strand) of the overall theme Wayfinding most appropriate to your presentation. Click here for information on themes.

No. Authors
Choose the number of authors for your presentation/paper (maximum 10)
Note: you will be required to fill in First Name, Last Name, Organisation, Country for each author. Please ignore the Affiliations field.

Are You Presenting the Submission?  
Yes/No (This field asks if the person making the submission is also going to present.)
Main Contact:
The main contact email address

Please type in a password and record it in a safe place for later reference.

Confirm Password
Type in the password exactly as you did above.

Ms, Miss, Mrs, Mr, Mx, Dr, Assoc Prof, Professor, and etc.

First Name
Your first, or given, name

Last Name
Your last, or family, name

Write N/A if you are not affiliated with an organisation

This field is optional

Please specify your target audience
Foundational/Intermediate/Advanced/Foundational & Intermediate/Intermediate & Advanced

Industry sector selection
Choose up to 5 industry sectors that apply


Ignite presentation proposal submission instructions

Please note that this year's conference presentations are being delivered face-to-face in Melbourne, Australia.

The fields that you will be asked to fill in when submitting your pitch for review online are listed below. Note: Field names are in bold. Note: Field names are in bold.

Ignite presentation Title
Maximum of 120 characters: Use sentence case. That is – capital letter for first word, proper nouns, and first word after a colon. For example: Global Assessment Scaling: what it is, and an example of applying it with farmer groups.

Abstract (Text files only)
In this field you are required to include the following: A pitch explaining (in less than 100 words) why your presentation is worth watching (Mark this section ‘Abstract’.)

Choose ‘Ignite’

Theme 1
Choose the sub-theme (strand) of the overall theme Through the lens most appropriate to your presentation. Click here for information on themes.

No. Authors
Choose one (1) as the number of authors for your Ignite presentation.


Main Contact:
The main contact email address

Please type in a password and record it in a safe place for later reference.

Confirm Password
Type in the password exactly as you did above.

Ms, Miss, Mrs, Mr, Mx, Dr, Assoc Prof, Professor, and etc.

First Name
Your first, or given, name

Last Name
Your last, or family, name

Write N/A if you are not affiliated with an organisation

This field is optional

This field is optional

Address and other details
Fill in your contact details.

Please specify your target audience
Foundational/Intermediate/Advanced/Foundational & Intermediate/Intermediate & Advanced

Industry sector selection
Choose up to 5 industry sectors that apply