This page contains resources for conference presenters, authors and session chairs. We will update the page as new resources become available and notify the relevant people by email.

Presentation speaker and chair briefing notes

The aes24 conference committee welcome your contribution to this year’s International Evaluation Conference. In order to ensure that your presentation runs smoothly, a number of services and facilities will be provided for you. Please download the instructions and take the time to read these to ensure your presentation is successful.

Chair briefing notes

>>> DOWNLOAD PDF version of the document 'Chair briefing notes'

>>> DOWNLOAD MS Word version of the document 'Chair briefing notes'

Presentation speaker briefing notes

>>> DOWNLOAD PDF version of the document 'Presentation speaker briefing notes'

>>> DOWNLOAD MS Word version of the document 'Presentation speaker briefing notes'

I am presenting at aes24 banners

Use these banners on social media to let your colleagues know that you are presenting at this year's conference. Right-click to download. 

>>> DOWNLOAD email signature

>>> DOWNLOAD for Facebook and LinkedIn

>>> DOWNLOAD for X

Supporting resources 

The modality will guide the structure of your presentation. Here's a short selection of resources to support you in developing your session: